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Friday 16 March 2018

A Journey into the Realms of Relief from Pain

A Journey into the Realms of Relief from Pain

In this series of write-ups on well known, known and lesser known places let’s take a peek into the dream destination for any globe trotter, London that stand out for its scientific signature; be it for the cruise on Thames, the bridges, the architectural marvels or the monuments. For us, it was Science Tourism.
Pain has always been a part of our life, and those suffering would resort to anything and everything that could relieve them. However, today we undergo the operative process with minimum suffering due to pain inflicted. We owe this painless procedure to the Science of Anesthesia and are indebted to the professionals often referred to as Anesthetist.   A peek into the historical development of this science would be the way of understanding, and acknowledging our gratitude towards it.
The developmental stages are true reflection of ‘necessity is the mother of invention’. 

Anesthesia Heritage Centre (under the auspices of Association of Anesthetists from Great Britain and Ireland) houses the Anesthesia Museum, AAGBI archives and rare collection of books on the subject. It is a unique resource for research into history of anesthesia.

The Anesthesia Museum was set up with the collection of historic anesthetic apparatus donated by A Charles King in 1953. In 1986, it was developed as first museum of its kind. Many more exhibits have been added ever since; from Morton’s demonstration of ether inhalation in 1846 to modern anesthetic machines and appliances can be seen today.  Due to space constraint, large size equipments and apparatus are not displayed; however, the number of objects showcased is enough to get the whiff of it.

The exhibits are displayed under a dozen of sections taking us on journey from painful to painless. Each of the unit has its own story to tell but with a common ending, the end of pain, suffering and agony. The contributions and the contributors are duly acknowledged at relevant stages of the need based development. 

The displays take us from anesthesia before 1846, followed by the origins of modern anesthesia. Different anesthetic agents from ether to chloroform to nitrous oxide and apparatuses from inhalants to intravenous administration have been showcased in the sequential order. The developmental stages of anesthetic agents, including local anesthesia that followed can be witnessed in this museum, from spray over skin to injection in the spinal cord followed by epidural or blocking nerve roots from the spinal cord with an anesthetic agent. Technological advancements that took place can be traced through the agents, devices and equipments showcased.

Any surgical maneuver, be it small or large is painful and the priority area for the anesthetists was, is and would be pain relief in childbirth and for dentistry.  The displays further explore through the critical role played by the anesthesia during war period, worldwide, exhibited appropriately as ‘silver lining through dark clouds shinning – ‘Anesthesia during First World War’.

The important information regarding the safety issues in anesthesia are also shared while moving on to the founding of modern anesthesia that is put on show. And at the terminal phase, it relives ‘the price of a mile’; the pain, suffering, and the relief.

For those who would like to pay visit to this scientific heritage, a testimony of how and what made and make us feel free of agony of pain, Anesthesia Heritage Centre is located at 21, Portland Place, London and is open from 10.00 to 16.00 hrs, Monday through Friday. However, it remains closed during Christmas until New Year.

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